Isabella Delbakhsh
- Grade 11, Lake Highland Preparatory School
- Girls’ Math Competition project leader
- Co-author for a Article about outreach OMC is doing. Read Here
- UF Research Program Participant
Isabella is an eleventh grader at Lake Highland Preparatory School. She has always enjoyed math; Isabella was in fifth grade when she first came to Orlando Math Circle to listen to a talk, Math & Creativity, given by USA national mathematics olympiad Coach Po-Shen Loh. Every year her interest in mathematics and commitment to mathematical community service grew. Last year Isabella got involved with Mathcounts and found it very different from your every day math and also extremely challenging. Orlando Math Circle has provided her the tools and many opportunities she needed to become more confident and successful with math competitions. Now she enjoys helping younger kids with mathematics. She was one of the founding members to start a mathematics outreach program at the Winter Park Community Center in seventh grade. Together with other volunteers and Dr. Zeynep Teymuroglu, Isabella co-authored an article about her experience in the inaugural issue of Journal of Math Circles that was published August, 2019. Isabella was one of the mathematics presenters at the Florida Association Of Science Teachers regional conference in Orlando, July 2019. Isabella has many interests including golf, debate, and taking care of her four dogs.