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Math Circle Leader Program

For Middle School, High School and College Students

First and last Wednesday of the month, 7pm starting Sep. 4, on Zoom

Program description

Complete at least 2 out of 8 monthly cycles to get a facilitator certification.

Monthly time commitment 6-8 hours for the three parts below to be completed in one month

Online Training and Activity Adaptation

Participate in a online math circle with an expert math circle leader mathematician and create a plan to run your version of the activity.

Implementation and Reflection

Do the math outreach online or in-person with elementary school kids and revise your activity plan.

Conclusion and Final Product Online

Collaborate with other peers and circle leader to finalize your activity plan and publish it. 

College students who are under-represented in mathematics  will receive $120 stipend to complete all three parts of the monthly cycle.  All three parts must be completed within the same month to receive the stipend.


The program consists of 6 years, each of eight monthly training cycles, with specific themes and activities. Students can participate in any number of cycles, with completion of all eight cycles leading to the highest level of that year’s certification.

Certification Levels

To get annual certification, must participate in one monthly cycle each semester at minimum. Time commitment for each monthly cycle will be 6-8 hours in 3 different parts.
Goal: Train volunteers to be effective math circle facilitators.

  1. Year 1: Novice

    • Cycle 1: Emerging Novice Math Circle Leader

    • Cycle 2: Developing Novice Math Circle Leader

    • Cycle 3: Competent Novice Math Circle Leader

    • Cycle 4: Accomplished Novice Math Circle Leader

    • Cycle 5: Distinguished Novice Math Circle Leader

    • Cycle 6: Elite Novice Math Circle Leader

    • Cycle 7: Premiere Novice Math Circle Leader

    • Cycle 8: Ultimate Novice Math Circle Leader

  2. Year 2: Junior

  3. Year 3: Intermediate

  4. Year 4: Advanced

  5. Year 5: Master

  6. Year 6: Senior

Are you a member?

Not A Member?

Project Descriptions

Choose from projects below and meet with fellow members to finish the project on time.

Girls' Math Competition - Oct 24, 2024

  • In  2018 OMC high school students started this project and made it come to life with an event for 3-5th grade girls at the end of October in Orlando where the first hour, girls did a 20 question contest and the second hour they played games, solved puzzles and won prizes.
  • This blog OMC  article came out the year GMC was founded and led by the student featured in the article
  • We need students and parents to reach out to potential sponsors to sponsor this event.
  • Budget for GMC 2023
  • We need to raise at least $3000 for this event to cover minimum costs
  • During the month of August and September our upper school students write the contest questions.  You can submit GCM questions here and receive one hour of community service for every question submitted.:
  • GMC 2023 SOP

Math Modeling

Upcoming Contests

  • We will meet with a group of middle and high school girls on 2nd and 3rd Sunday at 2pm with leader Melody Walker who is a math PhD.
  • High school students will have a chance to replicate the in person session online with students who miss it in person.
  • High school students will mentor a middle school team to participate in November contest.
  • High school students can invite and organize guests to do practice sessions online. You can invite organize with alumni who participated like Sharanya or Tami Heletz, past teachers, Ari Azbel, Julie Sherman and the guy who did it last year.
  • COMAP’S High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM) and Middle Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MidMCM) are international contests designed to provide high school and middle school/level students with the opportunity to work as team members to engage and improve their modeling, problem solving, and writing skills.
  • Organize teams in schools to participate and classes to prepare

OMC Newsletter

  • We need a newsletter. In a perfect world we would have a monthly newsletter. At minimum we should have one in the summer and one at the end of October or beginning of November. Based on these two newsletters we will create an end of the year report in December.
  • Section suggestions for monthly newsletter:
    • Upcoming events calendar
    • Monthly Cycle activity description and links to resources
    • Featured student story
    • Featured Alumni story
    • Featured project story
    • Press and sign up links
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