Girls’ Adventure in Math 2024

Upcoming Math Festival
A Math Festival is a hands-on, interactive, program for the young and old. Math festivals show that there is another side of math — one full of fun, laughter, and beauty. Festivals bring people together to collaboratively work on fun and meaningful problems, puzzles and games. Math is more about the journey than the destination. We show students that they have the power to make their own discoveries and chart their own paths through the learning process.
Bring a Math Festival to your school and transform it into a vibrant space of discovery! Families will engage in a joyful evening filled with interactive games, challenging puzzles, intriguing problems, and inspiring math art. Experience the wonder of mathematics in a fun, collaborative setting!
- Saturday Feb 1, 2025
- 2:00-5:00PM
- Winter Park Community Center
Interest Form to Get Information and Resources
Upcoming Events and Classes
Girls in Math
Spring 2025 Program
Classes will start on February 6, 2025
Upper Elementary 3-5th &
Middle Division 6-8th Grade

Math Circle Leadership Program
- First and last Wednesday of the month
- 7:00-8:00PM
- Online on Zoom
Highlights from 2023-2024 school year
Summer Math Programs 2024
For Grades K-12
Elementary Math Circle
For Rising 3rd-6th grade
Week of August 5
Are you curious about what mathematicians really do? Here’s a hint:
it’s not math worksheets! Come explore math topics not covered in a typical math class this summer at Orlando Math Circle camp! We will investigate math in surprising places: in traditional art and games from indigenous peoples around the world, in surprising applications of probability, in dance and art and more! As we explore, we will deepen our understanding of problem solving and identify strategies for approaching unstructured, novel problems. We hope to see you there!
Summer Math Leadership Institute
For Rising 7-12th grade
Week of August 5
Students entering 7th and 8th grade will work together with high school and college students. There will be options to study topics in mathematics and practice for mathcounts. Each day students will have a study group with a leader on a topic in mathematics, computer science, linguistics or math modeling.Everyone will learn how to become mathematics outreach mentors for elementary students. We are looking for students in middle school and high school who want to share their time, passion and talents to broaden outreach in mathematics.
Facilitator Bio for Elem. Math Circle
Heather is an experienced math circle facilitator of both student and teacher circles. She has presented extensively about math circles at various conferences, including the National Association for Gifted Children annual convention and the MidSchoolMath annual conference. She is the second place winner of the 2017 Rosenthal Prize for Innovation and Inspiration in Mathematics Teaching, presented annually by the National Museum of Mathematics. She is passionate about sharing the joy and excitement of mathematics with all ages.
Providing students across Florida with enriching math experiences that help students of all ages Flourish Through Mathematics.
Provide engaging and fun opportunities to do mathematics outside of school.
Increased access and student participation in mathematics and other STEM fields.

Read the Journal of Math Circles article about the outreach that OMC is doing !
OMC students together with Associate Professor of Mathematics Zeynep Teymuroglu co-authored an article in the Journal of Math Circles on math circle outreach programs along with Orlando Math Circle (OMC) community organizers and student volunteers.
“Connecting Mathematics and Community: Challenges, Successes, and Different Perspectives” is intended to support individuals and/or organizations in starting or sustaining math circles across the country. It provides examples of successes and challenges in creating academic collaboration between elementary, middle- and high-school participants and mathematicians in the Orlando Math Circle outreach program.
Glimpse of 'Global Math Project Basketball / Mathematics Learning Exchange' event
Thank You Orlando Magic!

Join the global math phenomenon
Kids share math with
Know more about International Math competitions. Check event dates and register early to avoid problems.
Guest Speakers
One of the ways OMC engages students in mathematics is by bringing guest speakers to discuss math-related careers and projects to the students.
SUMMER 2017 VARIETY OF SUMMER ACTIVITIES Trianglethon 2017 – help create world’s largest Sierpinski Triangle Math content video creation
Florida Math Girls
ARE YOU A FLORIDA GIRL? Do you want to cheer on girls to participate in math & science? Please contact us if you are interested in helping OMC...

David Stoner and nearly 600 other math whizzes from all over the world sat huddled in small groups around wicker bistro tables, talking in low voices and obsessively refreshing the browsers on their laptops. The air in the cavernous lobby of the Lotus Hotel Pang Suan Kaew in Chiang Mai, Thailand, was humid, recalls Stoner, whose light South Carolina accent warms his carefully chosen words. The tension in the room made it seem especially heavy, like the atmosphere at a high-stakes poker tournament.